Elly’s Expressions
Elly’s Expressions
Elly Brosius
July 2010
Layers Of Healing Activity (JPG)
Elly Brosius
July 2010
Brain under Stress, Healing in Mind
This is your brain.
This is your brain apart.
This is your brain apart from the heart.
This is your brain apart from the heart of the matter.
This is your brain apart from the heart of the matter, in the matter.
This is your brain apart from the heart of the matter, in the matter of health.
This is your mind.
This is your mind a part.
This is your mind a part of the heart.
This is your mind a part of the heart and body.
This is your mind a part of the heart and body, the matter of the soul.
This is your mind a part of the heart and body, the matter of the soul, for the healing of matter.
A nested meditation by Elly Brosius, 09-5-07
Acceptance & Appreciation are key for me.
I find it
Advantageous to
Apply Acceptance & Appreciation to self and others equally,
to give my
Attention to the Body, the Mind, and the Spirit,
Adjust my Attitude,
Adjust my phrasing to demonstrate Acceptance & Appreciation.
Acceptance - Accepting - Saying Aye (Yes)
Acceptance: to receive, take on, agree, welcome, acquire, undertake, assume, take responsibility for, believe, trust, buy, swallow, go along with, consent, concur, acknowledge, submit to, adjust to, make the best of, face up to, reconcile oneself to, live with, adopt, credit, embrace {{ hug }}
For me, accepting is NOT about agreeing with or pleasing everyone.
For me, accepting has become about saying Yes to the
inner feelings I have that will help me say No to
outside stuff that interferes with my health
(people, professionals, family traditions).
Appreciation: Gratefulness, Gratitude, thankfulness, recognition, valuing,
treasuring, Admiration, regard, respect, esteem, Acknowledgement, realization, knowledge, awareness, consciousness, understanding, comprehension, be sensitive to, grasp, fathom, be wise to,
gain, rise, go up, soar, escalate, rocket, grow, Grow, GROW
I am Growing w/ Gratitude
Appreciating what is going well, what I already have,
calms my frazzled feelings, slows the shrinking in my life,
gives my health a chance to grow.
Gratitude offers a counterbalance to
my feelings of anger, frustration, greed, loss.
A Graduated Gratitude
Why should I be grateful? My life is hard!
OK, I have some food, a roof, water.
True, with friends, support, coping is easier,
but I’d still rather not be dealing with this.
I’m now appreciating anything that can give me a smile:
Scooby, flowers, TV, cars, jokes.
Wow, I’m listing things I like about me, not just others.
Hey, I’m listing abstract gratitudes,
rather than accomplishments & things I’ve “beaten.”
I’d never have learned XYZ w/o hardship.
Thank you for that needed “failure.”
I’ll know I’ve topped gratitude and acceptance’s potential when I say:
Everything makes me who I am. I love me.
I Appreciate All that is and ever happened.
Elly Brosius 10 - 25 - 2008
Over Do Ode
by Elly Brosius, 01-20-09
I needed a new view
About Over Doing
Its been long Over Due
What if the Golden Rule is True
What Goes Around Comes Around
That Karma is ever happening and noticeable
As I unto myself
As I unto others
Is happening to me
When I over do
When I push and spew
Not able to heed my inner inklings
I don’t have to get mad or get sad
When those I encounter don't heed me either
I just showed them I could do more than I can
And they believed it
I showed them I don't listen to me or what makes sense
So they don't have to
I showed them I am willing to crash myself
So they can trash me too
When I am too much-ing
Over doing to please
Over doing for praise
They show me how I am
Treating and depleting myself
Though I still resist even knowing
It isn't personal
It isn't revenge
It is a mirror
I cling to thinking
I’ll get away
I’ll get away with it
Pushing has felt so good
Cheating at life
High on the drug of my own adrenaline
To show how good I am
How better I am
How I might win
But what do I do
When that part of the show is over?
When I can’t even keep up appearances?
What do I do
When Pushing Stops Working?
What might I do when
everything pushes back
slaps me around
In the very same ways
I've been stressing from within
without seeing it or admitting it?
I can harvest from what has been
Generate a new view
Rejuvenate and renew
The cosmos cannot give me credit for things I over do
If I have not taken credit for my over do ways
Have not done my over due reappraise
It isn't personal
It isn't blame
It is a mirror
In which I might see
I get beck from the world
What I put out there
Change doesn’t start with stopping the pushing
It begins with accepting the feedback
With reduced surprise, eventual grace
Uncomfortable knowledge
Uncomfortable feelings
Uncomfortable new self care
From having been there
From having over done this, over done that
A few thousand times each
Guiding us back to the well
Though we'll fight or flight it
Learning from what happens
Becoming Grateful for it
Embracing the Consequences
Slows the fall
Balances the act
Breaks the cycle
Worth it because ...
there are no do overs, over doers,
only our patterns repeating until we’re done in or delivered.
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