“When Pushing Stops Working”


“When Pushing Stops Working”

Presentations on when pushing stops working were about states of health and chronic conditions and experiences in caring for those in various states of unending exhaustion or pain.

    Tiredness with inconsistent memory,

    Becoming easily overheated or chilled,

    Coordination difficulties, clouded thinking, muscle weakness.

    Insomnia or unrefreshing sleep, communication problems,

    variable anxiety and/or reactive depression, irritability,

    new sensitivities to food, chemicals, light, sound.

These are few of the many possible symptoms that may become part of everyday life, especially after pushing yourself harder, doing more and when that ‘more’ stops working. “When Pushing Stops Working” is the time for deep discussion about why and how to reverse downward trends.


When Pushing
Stops Working

You might want to keep pushing. There are risks.

When Pushing

The body/mind needa extra help to recover from extending beyond capacity.

Stops Working

Repeatedly pushing past limits leaves one vulnerable to injury and infection.



